Monday 31 March 2008

Not A Well Blogger...

I am feeling rather ill - some sort of bug has "got me." I thought it was a 'flu bug (headache, nausea, aching joints, temperature, running hot and cold, shivers) but this evening it seems to have mutated a little... let's just say "intestinal disorders" have been added to the above, and leave a veil of discretion to hang over the exact details... While waiting for the Imodium to kick in, I decided that sitting upright ready for a quick getaway might be preferable to being horizontal... hence the attempt at blogging.

I've just discovered that Vincenzo has a great blog: Sancte Pater. Exploring it, I found a sidebar picture which made me laugh so much I nearly had to make a mad dash for the bathroom...

I do think that the woman ought to be wearing a mantilla though!!


  1. That goes great with one of my older graphics for Mary as Mediatrix or Ma-trix

  2. Mac a little cheese and/or chocolate will help. Stay away from roast beef au jus.


  3. Get well soon, girl!

  4. I've just tagged you. It'll keep you out of mischief for a minute or two...

  5. Anonymous5:06 pm

    Hope you get well soon, Mac!

  6. Oh my - so sorry. Get well soon - Your card is on the way.

  7. That "woman" is me: Catherine of Alexandria-really! Gosh, isn't my halo enough?

    I'm one of Vincenzo's favorite subjects. I get a big laugh out of it.

  8. No... the real Catherine of Alexandria would have had her hair covered...

  9. I hope that you feel better soon! *praying

  10. Anonymous7:54 am

    Hope you are much better now Mac..
