Tuesday 6 November 2007

An Interesting Point Of View...

I know, I know... I really shouldn't listen to Radio 4. But I was on my way home, so wasn't listening to the Today Programme (a programme which almost invariably puts my blood pressure up by twenty points!) and I wanted to hear the news headlines.

Anyway, they mentioned the unprecedented visit of the King of Saudi Arabia to the Vatican. But the good old BBC referred to it as the first audience with a Saudi monarch...

Ummmm... I was under the impression that the King was visiting the Vatican. So shouldn't that be described as an audience with Pope Benedict...?


  1. ROFL! That's just so...BBC isn't it?

  2. I heard the same report and thought exactly the same thing. Ignorant old muesli-munchers, these BBC types, aren't they?!

  3. Anonymous11:39 am

    They do this consistently. I know it is maybe uncharitable to suggest, but given their abuse of most things Catholic it does appear to be a deliberate policy of disrespect.
