Tuesday 6 November 2007

WooHoooo ! Another Blogging Milestone !

Time to celebrate...

I see from SiteMeter that my little blog has hit the 50,000 visitor mark. I'd just like to say that my 50,000th visitor, from Washington, in the District of Columbia (is that what DC stands for?? I've wondered for ages!) is using Verizon Internet Services, and popped over at 11:15pm last night (10 hours ago.) He/she/it then went to the comments on the post Prayers Please...

I said a prayer for you, whoever you are. Hope you enjoyed the post.


  1. It may be me, as my host is washdc.east.verizon.net and I visited around then (~6pm my time), but who knows. Having just read the update, I'm glad it turned out well. My parents have both been teachers for eons, so I know all about observations. It's fascinating, as always, to hear about the similarities and differences in teaching on the opposite sides of the Atlantic.

    DC is indeed District of Columbia, but I'm actually a couple miles away, in Maryland (named of course after a Catholic Queen, Henrietta Maria). Some language trivia for you -- many Baltimore/Washington-area natives like myself pronounce it Warshington DC (with the strong American English R being pronounced). So, I usually just call it "DC" when talking to non-family members to prevent the possible odd looks.

    Anyway, thanks for your blog from a long-time lurker and Anglophile (and obviously Catholic). It's one of the few non-clerical British ones I read. Keep up the good work you do over there, and thanks for the prayer (if indeed it was me). Congratulations on the 50k+ visits.

  2. Congratulations, Mac!
