Monday 5 November 2007

Dear Lord, Forgive Them...

...I'm sure that they know not what they do!

This version of the Lord's Prayer is actually quite painful to watch. Make sure there aren't any ex-hippie-trendy-liturgists around when you watch it, or they could get ideas...

Is it just me, or does the priest look like Yoda?

Twitch of the mantilla to Damian Thompson.


  1. I've just been sick in my mouth.

  2. Fr. Richard Ho Lung is a really holy and dedicated priest serving the poorest of the poor. He's on EWTN every now and then.

    Anyway, I don't think this is that painful ... as long as I don't ever have to hear it at Mass. Ever.

    But if people want to listen to calypso versions of the Our Father on their own time, that's cool with me.

  3. Anonymous9:47 am

    You Tube has many songs featuring Fr Richard Ho Lung. When they aren't part of the Sacrifice of the Mass they are really good but when they are part of Mass, or a wedding or Adoration they are totally inappropriate. Fr Ho Lung doesn't show this side when he appears on EWTN.

  4. I really hate vomit inducing sappy versions the Our Father. (and other ersatz criminally barfable renditions of prayers/hymns.) I simply refuse to sing along.

  5. Anonymous9:54 am


    As Dev says 'as long as I don't have to hear it during Holy Mass', otherwise it's a great catchy tune - I love Carribean music - and I think it beats some of our painful 'dirgeful hymns' into a cocked hat!

    Might even book Fr Richard and his team for my daughter's wedding next year! Love those calypso drums! Let me play it again.....

  6. Anonymous12:19 pm

    I saw a little bit and then ran away screaming. Urgh!

  7. No, dear Father, you look like Yoda too.
