Tuesday 10 March 2015

Solemn Pontifical High Mass...

2015-03-09 21.04.32

I'm just back from Ramsgate, where, at the Shrine of St. Augustine, Cardinal Burke celebrated a Solemn Pontifical High Mass.

It was awesome, and totally stunning. I've never seen so many people packed into such a small space. Fr. Finigan did a great job of summarising the whole event over on his blog, but I had further to travel home (and went out for dinner as well!) so I shall blog tomorrow.

I have, however, got the photos up on Flickr, so feel free to go and have a good look!

2015-03-09 19.46.32


  1. Wonderful pictures - thanks for sharing!

  2. Great photos! What a marvellous evening it was!

  3. Fr Finigan now has the full text of Cardinal Burke's homily up. Here's a taster:

    "Surely, too, we are conscious of the great challenges in living the apostolic faith in our time. Truly, Satan, “a murderer from the beginning” and “the father of lies”(7), cannot stand the truth and love of Christ shining forth in His holy Church. He never takes repose from his deceitful and hateful labors. He is always trying to corrupt the truth, the beauty and the goodness which Christ never ceases to pour forth into our Christian souls from His glorious pierced Heart. The pervasive confusion and grave error about the most fundamental truths, the most beautiful realities, and the lasting goods of human life and its cradle, the human family, as they come to us from the hand of God, are the tragic signs of Satan’s presence in our midst. When we see how he has succeeded in corrupting a culture which was once Christian and in sowing the seeds of confusion and error even within the Church herself, we can easily become frightened and discouraged.".


    Sts Gregory the Great and Augustine of Canterbury, pray for him and for us!

  4. A wonderful experience. Wish I was there.

    Mac, could you gently suggest to Father Finigan that he go into his blogger template and arrange the html coding so that his text for his most recent blog post isn't lost in the lovely header photo? I have been missing seeing his most recent posting quite frequently, because it often blends into the photo just enough so that with the quick glance at his page every few days, you don't see it. Or maybe it is just me being ridiculously blind.
