Sunday 8 March 2015

Is This What A Feminist Looks Like...?

I enjoyed a delicious lunch today after the Missa Cantata at Margate. I was just pondering whether to indulge in dessert when the waitress placed a plate of chocolate cake in front of me.

His Hermeneuticalness pointed out to the young woman that I hadn't ordered cake. She explained that it was a free treat for all their female customers, to celebrate International Women's Day.

It briefly occurred to me that this was a terribly sexist thing...

What a stereotype to perpetuate... I'm a woman, and so I must like chocolate cake! Is this really the equality which hundreds marched for today in Central London?

Actually, I'm afraid that I didn't much care. It was chocolate cake. I ate it.

In order to strike a blow for equality for downtrodden men everywhere, His Hermeneuticalness stole a spoonful of my chocolate cake. I let him live, but only because I suspect that attacking one's parish priest with a cake fork probably carries some sort of canonical penalty...


  1. Would it not be true that attacking one's Parish Priest with a cake fork because he is one's Parish Priest may do so, whereas with attacking one's Parish Priest with a cake fork on account of stealing cake- odds are you're in the clear

  2. I think this is a very cruel post for those of us whose Lenten penance involves giving up chocolate. And cake.

  3. Sue Sims- but not as cruel as if you'd been handed the cake and had to decline!:)

  4. Now featured in the Catholic Herald!

  5. What a great post! I laughed out loud.
