Thursday 5 May 2011

Quick Question...

In light of the recent meetings for bloggers in exalted places and not-so exalted places and even less exalted places, I have a quick question...

Does unexpectedly running into a fellow Catholic blogger in the workplace constitute an unofficial blognic...? How about if tea (mine) and sandwiches (his) are involved...?


  1. Accordong to the Catholic blognic handbook, this most certainly constitutes an unofficial blognic, as tea and sandwiches were involved.

  2. Wherever two or more are gatherd, it's a blognic!

  3. it's a blognic if you shared out the nosh, but must be doubtful if you drank your tea and he ate his sandwich!

  4. I am afraid it was a case of me eating my sandwiches and mulier fortis drinking her tea! But that's the nature of a science prep room during a 40 minute lunch break.
