Sunday 8 May 2011

Cardinal Burke Visiting London...

Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura (I'm not completely sure what that is, but it sounds good!) is visiting London and will speak at the conference held by Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. It's being held at the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, on Saturday 18th June 2011 from 2pm.

The Cardinal will be speaking on "The Restoration of Church Discipline and the New Evangelisation." Tickets cost £20 (£10 for students in full-time education and £5 for priests and religious.) The tickets are limited, and there's a strict first-come-first-served policy in operation. Tickets can be ordered by email, or by phoning 01322 409 231.

The Cardinal has already been chalked up in my mind as a jolly good chap (based on the bits and pieces I've read, the "bits" being his address to the World Prayer Congress for Life in October 2010 and the "pieces" being this sort of statement on serviettes and Euphemistic Monsters at usus antiquior Masses.) The afternoon promises to be really excellent, and I do encourage people to attend if at all possible.


  1. it clashes with invocation!

  2. That's unfortunate, but then I'm WAY over the age-limit for invocation...

    Seriously, though, there will always be clashes of this sort, and sometimes you just have to live with it. I don't know if the Conference organisers just wanted to take advantage of Cardinal Burke's visit, or if they actually invited him, but I suspect that, what with him being a Cardinal and all, his visit to London was arranged some time ago...

  3. Pro Ecclesia invited Cardinal Burke almost a year ago. The date was chosen to fit in with the Cardinal's diary and the availability of Central Hall for the Conference.

  4. Oh yeah I wasn't really complaining. In a way it's a nice sign of the times that two such good things are happening in one weekend, no?

  5. Is it true there is a rumor on the internet that cardinal Burke is not coming ?
