Tuesday 2 November 2010

Latest Appointment To Congregation For Divine Worship...

Monsignor Furretti ought, I think, to be appointed to the Congregation for Divine Worship...

She has already shredded the (paper) tablecloth I had on my altar, and it occurred to me that her talents (and talons) could be employed more fruitfully in various sacristies...

...such as the one that housed this, for example...

Twitch of the mantilla to Bad Vestments.


  1. As a fellow cat fancier, I support this appointment.

  2. And yet...how innocent she looks!

    May we take it that she is doing better?

  3. Sounds like she's on better form! If only you could borrow a few ahem 'lovely' sparkly rainbow vestments to cheer her up...

  4. Yes, she does seem a little brighter, and she polished off half a pouch of tuna chunks in jelly this evening, as well as a little milk.

    If she eats breakfast without a fuss, I shall be a lot less worried about her...

  5. Just wait till she discovers how to climb up your curtains . . . .

  6. Genty - she's done that already...

  7. Glad to see the Monsignor is doing well

    As regards the vestments, I hadn`t realised that the Panto Season had already started. Doesn`t time fly by ? That must be the best costume for Widow Twanky that I`ve seen for many a year

  8. Random thought (God forgive me) during Mass this morning: might a possible name for a replacement for Cardinal Catzinger be Cardinal Borromiaow?

    OK - I was just leaving anyway....

  9. Pattif - ROTFLMHO.

    Definitely a contender...
