Sunday 31 October 2010

The Progress of Monsignor Furretti

I was warned that Monsignor Furretti might go the same way as Cardinal Catzinger, and told to keep a close eye on her. Unfortunately, she is definitely not herself... she's off her food and much quieter than she has been. At the risk of conjuring up images of the Dead Parrot Sketch, I think she is pining... albeit for her brother and not for the Norwegian fjords...

I was advised to leave it for ten days before getting another playmate for her, just in case there was a viral cause behind Catzinger's death (see, I told you the vet didn't know.) Personally, I think I need to get another kitten as quickly as possible, otherwise Furretti will get bored and lonely. It won't be quite so bad once she starts to go out, but right now she's cooped up in the flat... and even when I'm home, I can't spend all my time playing with her.

I'm also finding it difficult to judge whether she isn't eating because she's pining, because she's ill or because she doesn't like the food. I've tried lots of different types... she's so little that I'm loathe just to wait until she's hungry enough to eat what's available. I was eating a steak pie two nights ago, and she seemed interested in that... so much so that she nearly took my finger off when I relented and gave her a little sliver of steak (she hadn't eaten all day.) I also gave her some of my tinned tuna... this morning she ate the catfood, but she hasn't touched it since...

I'm probably worrying too much, and she'll probably eat if she gets hungry enough. There are kitten biscuits available, and water as well...


In the meantime, here is the Dead Parrot Sketch for those of you who don't know what I mean by "pining for the fjords" !

The audio version had a different ending: Palin says: "I got a slug." Cleese asks, "Does it talk?" Then, in a twist, Palin replies "Yeah!" and so Cleese says "Right, I'll take that one then!"


  1. Hmmmm.I think I too might come to your conclusion...that she is pining.She did seem rather attached to her brother.

  2. You are having a terrible run, but I think you are right about getting another kitten to keep MF company. In any case, you are in my prayers!

  3. Dear Mac. Go with your instincts. Get another little companion as soon as possible for MF. Plus, continue feeding her prime steak, instead of tinned cat-food. She's obviously very discerning and has high standards. God Bless.

  4. Anonymous10:03 pm

    Ack. Prayers here that there's nothing seriously wrong.

  5. Zephyrinus - Are you offering to subsidise the steak dinners???


    I'm trying out Whiskas' cat milk - it might stimulate her appetite, and it has plenty of nutrients as well... She definitely needs a companion... she looked so forlorn when I left her to go to Mass this morning, and, when I played a You Tube video of cats miaowing, she went mad...

  6. Do you know about the St. Benedict medal?

    Have a look at this ( for a post about healing through intercession to St. Benedict.

    My cat seemed very ill just over a month ago and my intercession to St. Benedict, placing the medal on the affected area, seemed to have done the trick. I will blog about this when i am confident that he isn't going to keel over!

  7. Anonymous7:09 pm

    You could try her on some kitten glop.
    There are several recipes here. It is highly nutritious and easy to digest. Mine still get it sometimes now even though are 5 - usually if they are in the huff about something. It brings them round.

    I have also read that a warm hot water bottle (not too hot) inside a furry case can be comforting for a pet who has lost a companion.

    There are also some prayers here to St. Francis

  8. It sounds very much as if she is pining/lonely.
    Don't forget she's only a little 'un and you're her Mum so when you feed her by hand she'll eat. Not that you can do that forever! My parents gave their kitten a (human) baby mush called Groats when she was tiny, interpersed with regular food, and it was lapped up with gusto. I don't know whether it still exists though.
    When my cat went through a sniffy phase about pretty much everything I got some mince and divided it up into little parcels, freezing some, but making sure it was room temp when needed and lightly cooked with water. It worked out cheaper than discarded cat food.
    My local paper had a piece about Cats Protection a few days ago. They said it was very difficult to place black cats and plan to hold an open day. It's next Sunday, I believe. Their HQ is in Haywards Heath in Sussex but the open day may apply countrywide and there may be a rescue centre near you. It might be worth a call.
    All the best, with prayers.
