Monday 24 August 2009

Low Mass...

Normally, the 10:30am Sunday Mass in Blackfen is a Missa Cantata. However, during August, the choir takes a well-earned break, and we have Low Mass in the Usus Antiquior instead.

I took some photos yesterday, experimenting with the monopod to see if I could work out the best position for the camera which would allow me to focus on the Mass, rather than constantly checking to see if the camera angle was ok.

Of course, I then had a whole batch of photos waiting to be used... I did wonder if I should make yet another slide show video for the blog, but I was assured that it was worth the effort...

I meant to add that the music is the title track from the Vision album I used before: O Euchari in Leta Via.


  1. ... as indeed it most certainly was. Very nicely done.

  2. Dear Mulier Fortis. What a beautiful way to show the Divine Mass to many, many, people all over the world. Congratulations.

  3. Thank you for the comment! I have written about this on my blog. Once again, good production of the video.
