Monday 24 August 2009

Computer Tech Support...

I mentioned previously that Googling something on the computer for my parents often consists of them phoning me up... I also often get asked about how to do stuff in Publisher or Word (and other programs) so this picture (from XKCD webcomic) made me chuckle...

Twitch of the mantilla to Puella Paschalis (who has password-protected her blog, so no link right now...)


  1. And I thought I was the only person who followed XKCD! For those with a maths/physics bent and a warped sense of humour (or should that be humor?) this "comic" (it can be a bit hit and miss) delivers a wry grin more often than not.

  2. In the computer programming world there is this saying: "RTFM"

    Three of the four letters stand for "Read the Manual."

  3. gemoftheocean, that is a "third stage" response: the first is "Is your computer switched on?" and the second is a polite "RTM".
