Tuesday 18 September 2007

Just In Case You Missed Them...

I'm feeling really dreadful. Not bad enough to be off school (setting cover work is such a hassle!) but bad enough for the technicians to tell me they've seen better-looking corpses (I refrain from telling them that so have I: St. Bernadette knocks spots off me even when I'm feeling great!)

So you're not going to get much in the way of blogging from me today. I am encouraged by the number of bloggers who, solicitous for my wellbeing, have encouraged me to take to both drink and drugs. Believe me, I am following this advice faithfully...

In the meantime, there is this very amusing piece from the Curt Jester about a new GPS system: Grace Positioning System, that is... designed to prevent backsliding and to keep you in the narrow way, I think I really could do with one of these gizmos.

Sister Roseann has hit the mainstream news media: she is interviewed by the Financial Times no less. The author, Rob Blackhurst, also visited the Friars of the Renewal, and reported on the general state of monastic and conventual life. And there was I thinking that the FT just covered money matters. Well, whaddya know...

Ok, I'm off to drown my sorrows (or at least to attempt to drown the bugs!) - more tomorrow!


  1. TALOIA. Get Well Soon.

    Try a good measure of whisky in hot water with a teaspoon of honey and a dash of lemon juice, plus a soupçon of ground nutmeg abd/or cinnamon. Works every time. Alternatively ignore the water, honey, lemon juice, nutmeg and cinnamon.

  2. I'm voting for the above too. A Bloody Mary works too. Have it with V-8 juice.

  3. Anonymous3:17 pm

    Why don't you go back to school as quickly as possible and give back to your students what is theirs? :-)

  4. Tee hee, I liked the GPS piece; thank you for bringing it to our attention. Personally, I favour 'Sac Nav' as featured on my (blatant plug...) new blog!

    Did you know, BTW, that you can take NSAIDs in between your paracetamol-based drugs (in anti-phase, if you like) and therefore never leave your drug-induced state?

  5. Londiniensis - TALOIA???

    Karen - I hate tomatoes. The vodka's fine - and very medicinal when taken with quinine!!

    Barbara - I haven't had any time off... I'm trying my best to cough over the kids without sharing the germs round the Science Faculty Office...

    Faccio la mamma - oh yes indeedy... I'm pretty good on drug combinations!!

  6. TALOIA is (supposed) doctors' shorthand for There's A Lot Of It About.

    Hope you're better.

  7. Mac,
    Is this cold bug getting passed over the internet or something? Everyone I know seems to have it and now I see where it`s jumped the Atlantic. I`ve got a mild case which I`m treating with scotch and cigars.
