Wednesday 19 September 2007

Blogging From The Kitchen Stove...

I've noticed through a shameless plug in my combox that Faccio La Mamma has started her very own blog, Antagonistic Pots and Pans. I am happy to make the plug more prominent because she gave some very good advice on remaining in a drug-induced haze for the duration of my cold...

La Mamma is from the UK, and was in accountancy (doing something or other... she was keen to correct me and say that she was not an accountant.) She is now the mother of twins. It will be interesting to see how her blog develops (how has she got time with two new twins to cope with????) - pop over and say hallo!

Lots of people suggested various remedies: people on the blogosphere have come to know me well - most of the suggestions involved alcohol. I think my favourite had to be the one from Londiniensis:

"Try a good measure of whisky in hot water with a teaspoon of honey and a dash of lemon juice, plus a soupçon of ground nutmeg and/or cinnamon. Works every time. Alternatively, ignore the water, honey, lemon juice, nutmeg and cinnamon."


  1. Thank you for your plug, Mac! Your links to me & my blog don't seem to work, though, for some reason, which you might be able to fathom but I can't (I've tried to do one today but haven't tested it yet...). Also, I'm not an accountant - but that was the default occupation on the long list and there's no opt out. Professionally speaking, I'm a teacher too, but I haven't taught since becoming a mother, so I didn't feel I could choose that one. Still, 'accountant' sounds more exciting than pots, pans and nappies (and a lot more lucrative)!

  2. Heheheh... not sure what happened there: the URL was incorrect for some reason. I've done it now, and the links are up and running.

    Good luck with the mars bars...
