Saturday 30 December 2006

A Few More Photos

Ok, here are a few more photos. I only seem to be able to upload five at a time, so be patient!!

One of the really great things about Faith Conferences is that there are plenty of opportunities to chat to the priests outside the talks and discussion groups... they're all really approachable. Here we can see Fr Dominic chatting during coffee on the Thursday morning...

It was Fr Mark's birthday, and, as he usually misses out on birthday celebrations because it's so close to Christmas, Melanie arranged a cake. Not a pushover, Fr Mike's first response was "Oh, no candles..." but he quickly changed his tune when Melanie offered to help him wear the cake...

Here you can see him waving a carving knife provided by the ever-obliging kitchen staff who are unfailingly chirpy despite having to cope with over two hundred hungry individuals, and despite getting some very odd requests... several years I had a duck for a hot water bottle, and they hardly batted an eyelid when Egg was handed over with the request to "Fill him up please!" They even noticed when one year I didn't bring him!

Then, especially for Mark who wanted to know how all the priests could possibly fit on such a small sanctuary...

And then there is the ceilidh on the last evening. The photos I have of the dancers are not very good, but they seemed to think that a request to stop dancing while I focussed my phone camera was a tad unreasonable!


  1. Anonymous5:28 pm

    Wonderful! Thank you.

    Now I know... I feared they had to all be touching the altar or something - I've seen some hideous 'concelebrated' Episcopal ordinations, where everyone has to touch the Ordinand all at once!

  2. Anonymous2:43 am

    Ha! I always get worried when organising a large event for Catholic 'Youth' or Young Adults. It tends to turn into a speed dating scenario where people are there to see how many people they can meet AND try and find Mr. or Mrs Right. Sometimes I worry they are there for the right reasons...

  3. Anonymous2:44 am

    And 'tis a beautiful sanctuary

  4. Hey, Indolent, what are the right reasons?? If they are looking for Mr or Mrs Right, where better to do it than at events which are focussed on Our Lord in the Eucharist, the example of Our Lady, prayer, and how to live a good, chaste and moral life?

    Lighten up a little, and trust the Holy Spirit!!


  5. Anonymous9:23 pm

    I think it's an excellent setting to look for Mr or Mrs right as well - after all it's an event for young adults in their 20's, by the time they get to their 30's they be settling into married life and raising a family - unless they go for the religious vocation of course.
