Saturday 30 December 2006

I Took More Photos Than I Realised...

A few more photos: Fr Tim Finigan, known to most of you as the prolific and profound blogger of The Hermeneutic of Continuity, gave the third talk of the conference. I noticed that, with typical reticence, he hasn't actually put up much about his own talk, so I shall have to do it for him. The title was "Meeting some common objections: One God or three? How can God have a Son?"

There was a lot of information to take in, but the talk was snappily-paced and had some excellent visual aids (well, what else does one expect from a blog-supremo?) It was fascinating to hear about the beginnings of Islam and how St John Damascene had answered some of the major objections of Islam to Christianity so many centuries ago. I'm sure that his talk (and all of them) will end up on the Faith website - I'll link to it then.

There are countless pictures and artifacts connected with the Reformation and Counter-Reformation - each of the classrooms is named after a saint, many of them the English Martyrs. I discovered my favourite Martyrs' picture in the Campion Room... I have a postcard with it on, but I think this is actually the original:

There are also lots of beautiful statues just dotted around the corridors. I particularly like this one of the Madonna and Child which is outside the entrance to the chapel.

After all that theology, it's necessary to kill off a few brain cells just to redress the balance. Everyone repairs to the bar for some congenial company and good conversation. Failing that, alcohol makes an acceptable substitute...

And here's another photo of Fr Tim... I think it's much more flattering than the one on his own blog...


  1. Anonymous10:48 pm

    Thanks for the photos.

    The picture of the martyrs is, I am quite certain, also displayed in the shrine of the English Martyrs at the London Oratory. Which is the original???

  2. I could be mistaken, but last year (the first time I saw the picture) I vaguely remember reading that it was the original in the plaque just below it (it gave details of the artist)

    Of course, I could have mis-read it!!

  3. Anonymous10:55 pm

    I think we'll settle on the original being in the Campion Room.

  4. Oh, wow... do you know for definite? As I said, I might have mis-read it!
