Fr. Michael Brown, of Forest Murmurs fame, popped down to see Fr. Briggs in Chislehurst, and Fr. Finigan was invited for lunch. As chauffeur, I got to join them for coffee, and, with an eye to my paucity of blog activity and resultant drop in readers, I promptly demanded a blogging scoop - the three priests together in a photo. Trying to decide where a good place for a photo might be, we plumped for a group around Michael Davies' grave. Michael Davies was a stalwart defender of the TLM in the days before Summorum Pontificum...
Fr. Brown has moved parish, and so has stopped blogging on Forest Murmurs. Readers will be delighted to hear that he is continuing to blog at Gateshead Revisited.
Glad to see Father is to continue his online evangelisation. We need every blogging priest we can get!