Sunday 16 June 2013


After this morning's TLM in Blackfen, I asked Fr. Logan (covering for His Hermeneuticalness while he is in Oz) if he minded me taking photos of him and uploading them to the blog.

"What, to go with the cats?" was the swift rejoinder.

I was delighted to discover that Fr. Logan reads my blog, and follows the adventures of Cardinal Furretti and Monsignor Miaowrini avidly. Later, he asked me if I knew who Eccles was?

He denied being Eccles himself, claiming that he only read the blogs. But I'm not entirely convinced...

(I didn't actually take any photos today, but I shall endeavour to do so next week!)


  1. Anonymous2:30 pm

    Very pleased that Fr Loggan knows of my blogg. But he aint me.

  2. As he said... and I'm sure he wouldn't tell fibs.

  3. Big whoppers possibly, but never fibs. Go big or go home.

  4. agree mistakes are better when large....small scale stuff just makes life messy!

  5. A certain well-known priest who writes for a certain Catholic paper once contacted me online and suggested that I was Eccles, on the grounds that Eccles is apparently a Cambridge man and so am I. I was quick to assure him that Eccles and I do not have the same sense of humour and that I am not him.

  6. I'm intrigued.

    Is that certain Catholic paper Catholic with a big C or a little one?

    Unfortunately I know rather a lot of priests who write for papers...
