Tuesday 18 June 2013

News to Gladden The Heart...

The BPAS abortion centre in Bedford Square is due to close. The site will still run contraceptive services such as vasectomy, but the abortions will no longer happen there.

I have no doubt that the prayers, vigils and fasts held by many people over the years, as described by Clare in her latest post, have resulted in this victory. The abortion industry wouldn't close a clinic unless it was losing money, and so there must have been more and more women changing their minds about killing their unborn babies, some directly as a result of contact with the pavement counsellors, and some because of a change of heart inspired by the Holy Spirit after heartfelt prayers from faithful souls.

Deo gratias!


  1. Deo Gratias.

    Thanks be to God.

    May The Blessed Virgin Mary watch over The Little Ones.

  2. Deo gratias indeed.

    Another example of persistance in prayer and witness eventually achieving results.

    I am with Zephy in asking Our Lady to watch over the Little Ones, and also commend to her special care, and to Our Lord's mercy, all the innocent souls that were robbed of the chance of an earthly life, in this and all similar places.

  3. Yes, but the abortions will now happen in their spanking new abortuary in east London (see SPUC website)

    I suspect logistics rather than vigils have driven them from Bedford Square. Not a reason to stop praying of course.

  4. It's still good news... After all, I'm sure the preference would be to perform abortions at both places. They possibly hope a less central location will find it harder to attract people for the prayer vigils.
