Friday 17 February 2012

A Warm Welcome...

The kitties appeared to be very pleased to see me when I returned from the Faith Theological Symposium yesterday evening. Furretti wanted to curl up close, and she purred a lot. Miaowrini was also quite welcoming, but, once she realised I was in for the night, she was happy to curl up on the cat bed on top of the wardrobe.

This morning, both cats made a fuss of me.

When I returned home this lunchtime, after Mass and a chat with a friend over tea and biscuits, I found that Miaowrini had brought me a present... the living room floor was covered in feathers, and a large pigeon lay in the midst of the mess.

I'm not sure if this is a "welcome home" present, or a warning of what the cats will do to me if I leave them again...

2011 08 23_0007


  1. Saw this one earlier today and thought of you.

  2. I had three cats until I left America. I can tell you that in psychological warfare with cats, this is a warning.

    You got off easy....

  3. Yeah, post on the cats. I was starting to wonder what had happened to them.
