Wednesday 15 February 2012

Anniversary Celebrations...

Fr. Ray Blake is celebrating the 150th Anniversary of St. Mary Magdalen, Brighton, with an impressive series of events. I am almost tempted to relocate to Brighton for a short while... though I doubt that my cats would be able to cope. Monsignor Miaowrini would probably be abducted by the first seagull she attempted to snaffle, and would be dumped mid-Channel. Monsignor Furretti would possibly die from salt-poisoning as a result of licking sea-air encrusted fur...

However, the programme of events is mouth-wateringly good. It will start off with a special celebratory Mass on 27 February, at 7:30pm. Schubert's Mass 2, Bruckner's Locus Iste and a world premiere of Tom Bennett's Tu es Petrus all feature. His Hermeneuticalness will be preaching.

There will be a blessing of the "Mother Riccarda" bus after the Sunday Mass on 4 March, and a series of talks will kick off on Friday 9 March, 2012, at 7:30pm with a talk by James MacMillan.

As Fr. Ray said, everyone is welcome...


  1. And there is 40 Hours, and a Jubilee street party, and ...

    Thanks for the publicity, Mac.

  2. Father Ray, I am absolutely certain that there won't be a single reader of mine who hasn't read your blog first...

    ...but I'm always happy to advertise anything you're doing at St. Mary Magdalen's. I hope the celebrations go well!
