Saturday 3 September 2011

We Interrupt This Service...

The start of the Autumn Term is always a little fraught, in my experience. It is made slightly more fraught for me because of one fateful morning in particular (you can read more about it if you wish) which I'm always worried will recur.

So, not much sleep was had by me on Wednesday night. The longest stretch was about 20 minutes. I slept badly on Thursday night too. By Friday evening, I was pretty much dead on my feet. I sat down to put my aching feet up for half an hour, and woke up, bleary-eyed (contact lenses still in) but otherwise wide-awake at midnight.

I decided that I'd spend a little time preparing stuff for Monday. Before I knew it, it was 5:30am. I did consider trying to stay awake, but opted to have a nap, and set several alarms on my mobile phone so that I could get up in time for our Missa Cantata...

The next thing I knew, it was 10:15am. Mass on Saturday is at 10:30am. Oooops.

I decided to go along to Mass anyway (what was left of it) to say a few prayers and at least attend Benediction... Lunch at a local hostelry followed (I was awake at this time - a couple of large cokes did wonders) but I am now clock-watching. I am absolutely shattered, but I know that I have to stay up until at least 9pm in order to try and reset the old body clock. Then, hopefully, Sunday night will be relatively "normal" and I can get up bright-tailed and bushy-eyed on Monday morning, ready to face the hordes of eager Year 7s, all desperately keen and shiny-faced...

That's the plan. But you know what they say about plans...

In the meantime, until I get myself sorted, blogging might be a little sporadic.


  1. Mulier Fortis not quite "fortis" enough? Classic signs of .... (hush, don't tell anyone) ...stress?

  2. Hmmm.... not sure what to suggest, other than that you're probably making the situation worse by being anxious about it. All my colleagues sleep badly before the start of term, myself included. Even if we have three days of inset to ease us in..... (Here in Oxfordshire we start on Monday). Even after 20 years of teaching I'm still a nervous wreck on the first day. I'll wake up throughout the night but at least I know my body clock always wakes me up at 6ish. I will pray for you.


  3. Cetti,

    I concur - the first week back (at least) is usually characterised by lots of disturbed nights, weird dreams about lessons, etc., and the occasional panic first thing in the morning. Also, you feel like you have just done a term's work rather than just begun one!

    Mac - professional solidarity, sympathy, good wishes and prayers.

    Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, St. Jean-Baptise de la Salle, St. John Bosco and St Joseph Calisanctus, Orate pro nobis.

  4. It's not stress about the start of term - that's quite fun. It's worry that I'll oversleep because I'm not used to getting up early after the long Summer holiday!

    Each year I promise myself that I shall get up early during the holiday as well, so as not to break the routine, but it never seems to happen!!

    Thanks for the prayers and the support though!
