Thursday 1 September 2011

The Body In The Library...

2011 08 23_0007

Today was my first day back at school, and, afterwards, I went straight to church for my Thursday evening dose of Rosary and Benediction.

When I finally arrived home, I found Miaowrini looking very pleased with herself sitting in the midst of a whole fresh pile of feathers. Further investigation revealed a dead bird in the living room (it is the room with most books in it, so qualifies as my "library"!)

The bird had been chewed. Looks as if Miaowrini has finally figured out what to do when she catches her pigeon...


  1. Cannot help but think this cries out for a caption such as "I know nothing" or "Moi???"

    On another note, hope the new term began smoothly.

    I am due back on Monday, and apparently need to begin by putting my classroom back together as it was cleared for damp-proofing work over the summer. Prayers would be appreciated.

  2. I think it was Professor Miaowrini, with lead piping, in the Library.

  3. Oh dear. Great photo though! Here it's still shrews... piles and piles of shrews. I can't wait for winter.
