Monday 29 August 2011

Blackfen Brandsma Blognic...

The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma is holding a meeting at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Blackfen, on Saturday, October 1st 2011.

Mass is at 10:30am, Vespers is at 2:30pm. Lunch, a talk and a meeting will happen in between. The pub may feature after all that...

Everyone is welcome - "bloggers" being a very loose term!


  1. "Blackfen Brandsma Blognic": say that five times fast!

  2. 50 mins for an informal meeting of the guild is a ridiculously short period of time.

  3. Not really. The majority of stuff is informal chit-chat, which will happen over lunch and afterwards. What exactly do we need to discuss? There's no membership fee, no need for a minuted AGM, no need to elect anyone or vote on anything...

    Meetings are best kept short, sweet and to the point. If you have more than 7 people at a meeting, no real decisions are made anyway (some Psych study or other identified that one!) The real work is done before or after. Especially since, in the Guild, we are not all able to get to a single geographical location at a particular time, and to have too much hang on a single meeting would therefore exclude quite a few people.

  4. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Oh oh oooooooh.



  5. Sounds good to me !!!

  6. No Mac - sorry - but there is plenty to discuss - plenty of voices which wish to be heard and a lot of people are going to feel that the whole exercise and endeavour is simply futile and purposeless..a glorified group hug session. Just like the najority of events you see reported in the Universe.

    What's Fr Tim going to talk about?
    Does anyone have a clue what was discussed at the first meeting apart from those who attended; what people hoped to do with the guild and the blog etc?

    Apparently not!

    The name's ridiculous, the blog is nothing remotely akin to what was discussed and this is supposed to include the first official meeting [albeit informally] of the guild itself - people travelling hundreds of miles in the vain hope that this will actually be fruitful and worthwhile and effective - potential disagreements ensuing, there's bound to be irrelevant asides which seem important to one person which will courteously have to be dealt with, there are always a few who wish to make little speeches [usually clerics] there will be those there who do not wish any boat to be rocked and those who really want boats rocking and others who will use ingratiating platitudes in attempts to quash any disagreement or concern or try to pour oil on troubled waters when they'll really be pouring it on flames...

    Mac ; do you want this thing to work?
    well people need to be given the common courtesy of being allowed the time and the platform to say what they want...

    fifty minutes is pitiable, especially when reticent members might need 45 mins to even pluck up the nerve to contribute...bloggers are big personalities but they can come in reserved, shy bodies...fifty minutes out of a whole day is unfair to us all...

    Having an EF mass and vespers is lovely - but that's not why we are there. We're supposed to be doing this for a reason...

    Has the reason ceased to be of any importance?
    Is this going to be - yet again - one of the many hundreds of events which go on throughout the country where the 'right people' liaise and have a lovely time and ultimately - it means bugger all - [Just look at Ma bogle's blog for a whole itinerary ff these pseudo group-hug events where everyone has a lovely time and at the end everything continues business as usual because nobody takes a lead and two years down the line everyone says how sad it is that nothing ever came of all this...

    Price is too high ma'am.
