Saturday 16 July 2011

A Rare Photo Of The Lesser-Spotted Mulier Fortis...

One in which I am NOT wearing a mantilla!

It is very rare that I acknowledge a photo of myself. And I usually threaten any camera-wielding individuals with death should they be foolhardy enough to cross my path. Most of them heed the warnings (I have a mean glint in my eye!) and back off pretty quickly. Even His Hermeneuticalness manages to avoid taking pictures of me - I don't even have to warn him any more, which is good, because I feel a little guilty about threatening priests with physical injury...

I really hate looking at myself in photos. The camera, it is said, adds umpteen pounds, and I don't need that sort of assistance. Added to that, I have a squint.

So when Mary, one of my friends, emailed me to say she'd found a photo of me while going through her photo collection, I was prepared to send it straight to the recyle bin. However, it was a picture from the time of the Papal Visit, and it was taken on the second day of his visit (the day I got that close-up of the Holy Father) in the Media Centre (I'd managed to get a press pass!).

It is, IMHO, one of the more acceptable photos of me, although my hair is in a mess...

Heheheheheheh... well, what did you expect...?


  1. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the title of your post on my blog list. I should have known there'd be a catch!

    You look quite at home amongst all the 'media moguls' :-)

  2. media moguls.......... I hope that you weren't hacking phones or blagging!
