Sunday 22 May 2011

Parish Pilgrimage To Lourdes...

It's that time of year again. Next Monday, we have the annual joint Pilgrimage to Lourdes for the parishes of Blackfen and Chislehurst. Fr. Tim Finigan and Fr. Charles Briggs are the spiritual guides for the pilgrimage. I'm really looking forward to it - this year we will have Mass in the crypt of the parish church of Lourdes (for the Feast of the Ascension) and also Mass the day before in the parish church of Bartrès. I am still waiting to hear what chapels in the Domaine we're being given for the other Masses - they tried to suggest the St. Patrick's chapel, but that's nothing more than a glorified broom cupboard, so I am working hard to get us moved elsewhere... watch this space!

If anyone in Lourdes wishes to join us for Mass, they'd be most welcome. I'll put details of times and locations up on the blog as soon as I have confirmed them.


  1. Anonymous11:05 pm

    I would have absolutely loved to join you. I hope you have a blessed time!

  2. I would have loved to go this year as well - but daughter is in the midst of GCSEs, and left to her own devices would live for a week on hardboiled eggs and chocolate.

  3. Anonymous2:06 pm

    Of course, I should specify: I would have absolutely loved to join you if I were anywhere near Lourdes, which I sadly will not be (but which I would also have absolutely loved to be...except perhaps for the crowds. I can contain my crowd related enthusiasm).

  4. Dear Mullier Fortis we have just booked, we met briefly at Fr Z's blognic in London a few years ago, could you tell us if there will be traditional mass every day..?? We are from Carlisle in the frozen north we have one mass / month for the last three months so to get a daily mass would be something.

  5. Will you say a prayer to Our Lady for a special family intention when you are there, for me Mulier? I visited Lourdes years ago several times with my family. I was there for the centennial celebrations in 1958. We went with the Liverpool Diocese it was a wonderful pilgrimage.

  6. Elizabeth - delighted to do so.

    Crouchback - yes there will, but unfortunately the Monday Mass is in Blackfen itself (we arrive too late to have Mass in Lourdes)

    Tuesday Mass will be at 6.00pm in the St Gabriel Chapel.

    Wednesday we will have Mass at 11.00am in the Parish Church in Bartres

    Thursday Mass will be at 10.00am in the Crypte of the Parish Church in Lourdes (in the town itself - the church is near the tourist information office)

    Friday Mass will be at 10.30am in the St. Gabriel Chapel.

    Hope that helps!

  7. Thank you Mac. I was just at a Knights of Columbus garage sale this morning and picked up two books: One a copy of Marian Prayers with white cover in mint condition and another about appearances of Mary also in pretty good condition. I'll be with you in spirit.
