Monday 23 May 2011

Another Milestone For His Hermeneuticalness...

As Leutgeb pointed out yesterday, Fr. Tim Finigan crossed the 3-millionth-visitor mark on his blog some time this afternoon. It's currently at 3,001,264. He marked the occasion after Mass with some chocolate cake and champagne. Alas, I was driving, so I missed out on the champers...

Zephyrinus attempted to console me: when I pass the 1 million mark, he'll buy me a nice bottle of wine.

Given that I've been blogging for five years and have yet to reach my first half million (I'm currently at 413,370), this did not have the desired effect... He promptly amended his statement, and now I shall be able to celebrate when I get to my 500,000th visitor!

So, in the interests of allowing me a little glass of something bubbly, how about telling all your friends to come and visit...


  1. Dear Mac,

    Happy to oblige. Another visit, herewith. Nearer and nearer to that bottle of gratis champers.

  2. Anonymous11:40 am

    Leutgeb looks so lovely in that photo!
