Monday 7 September 2009

The New Penalty For Cell Phones In Church...?

This made me chuckle...

Twitch of the mantilla to the Catholic Mom in Hawaii.

Of course, it's not as funny as the (possibly true) story I heard about the priest at Sunday Mass who, on hearing a mobile phone go off during his sermon, looked sharply at the culprit and said,
"Well, go on and answer it... and ask them why they're not here at church..."


  1. Hehee. :) My old pastor would say, "If it's for me, I'm busy. Unless it's God."

  2. A few years ago, I was at Mass; it was during a quiet moment in the service when someone's cell phone rang. More annoyingly, they answered it, and in a stage whisper, hissed out, "I'M IN CHURCH !"
