Sunday 6 September 2009

New Blog On The Block...

Fr. Stephen Wang has started a new blog - called Bridges and Tangents, it's well worth a visit.

Fr. Stephen is a Catholic priest in the Diocese of Westminster, London. He also happens to be the brother of Mary, a friend of mine, but that has nothing to do with why I'm publicising his blog (actually, I'm shamelessly name-dropping!!)

However, Fr. Stephen is a very clever chap, as proved by the fact that he is Dean of Studies at Allen Hall seminary, where he also teaches philosophy and theology. His latest book is Aquinas and Sartre: On Freedom, Personal Identity, and the Possibility of Happiness.


  1. He also lectures in Philosophy at my university, St. Mary's, Twickenham. I really enjoyed his talk which he gave to our theological society, 'Logos', during Lent.

  2. Isn't Fr. Stephen also Spiritual Director for Youth2000?
    He is a priest of very many talents; I have heard his name mentioned as a future Cardinal...
