Saturday 11 July 2009

Updating Hymns...

The Pastor in Valle has been having fun, composing a modern version of Eternal Father, strong to save for Sea Sunday.

I particularly liked the nod to futurechurch with the removal of any mention of Father or Son, particularly in the last verse...

Ungendered three and sexless one,
Who only want us to have fun,
Who made the mighty ocean deep
For surfers o’er its foam to leap:
O hear us as we cry to thee
For those who like to water-ski.

I think it's particularly important to be politically correct, especially as the Apostleship of the Sea have decided to eschew obedience to Catholic teaching in asking Cherie Blair to head their annual fundraising campaign...


  1. :-D In Greek, technically, the Holy Spirit is an "It."

  2. Anonymous8:00 am

    Thanks for this, Mac. Funny!

    You know, I never did get a response after my email to them. I obviously must be a crank and not worthy of an answer, as opposed to someone who might actually be grateful for one...!?

  3. If the Apostleship of the Sea is in fact a Catholic charity surely the Bishops Commission could instruct them not to solicit Ms Blair's help. If the Apostleship of the Sea is not a Catholic charity surely the Bishops Commission could state this publicly and instruct parishes not to collect for them.

  4. That's a cracker Mac! Very funny.

    Mark, of course you're a Crank! You, and me also! :-)

    In the world of secular thinking Catholic = Crank.

    I'm happy with that - so let's CRANK UP the volume!!!!!!! Shout it from the mountain tops. Let the world hear that Jesus Christ is the King of All the Universe, yes even the parts occupied by the secularists.

  5. I don't know about "at sea" but someone at the Apostleship of the Sea is hardly living in the real world if they imagine that ANYone (let alone faithful Catholics) is likely to be impressed by Mrs Blair. Was there a single positive review of her recent memoir?
