Tuesday 7 July 2009

Caritas In Veritate...

The new papal encyclical, Caritas in veritate, is out today. You can see it at the Vatican website HERE. In it, the Holy Father emphasises how important Humanae vitae is for understanding human development in its fullest sense... life ethics and social ethics cannot be divorced from each other.

Great stuff. Now let's see which paper picks up on (and mis-represents) the anti-contraception bugbear first...


  1. If you're looking for a quick read, then this encyclical will not appeal to you. It is amazing how much the Holy Father has put in it covering a variety of topics.

    Have you read it Mac?

  2. I skimmed a few bits at the beginning. I want to settle down and read it properly, but prefer a "hard" copy to do this... it'll be on sale in our Parish soon enough, and I'll buy it then.


  3. Dudette, what's with all the pope news? Give us the scoop on the new Harry Potter movie.

  4. Gemoftheocean, interestingly, Cardinal Ratzinger expressed reservations about the Harry Potter books, saying that they contain subtleties that attack the Christian faith. I quite agree with him.

  5. Oh, I can see why the books can be taken with caution. I would not let young children read them without discussion. I wouldn't forbid them, because something like that would make them more attractive, but open discussion is always better. I do not believe there is anything my faith can not answer.
