Wednesday 1 July 2009

Just for George...


  1. I don't know what this cat did, be he's trying to look "nonchalant" which means he is guilty of something!

  2. You are so right... and when I find out what it is, I'll let you know...

  3. I think he has that "I ate HALF a mouse and left that other half under your blanket because it's a present and I love you" look OR the "I threw up in a dark recess of your closet and it will smell to high heaven as soon as it gets to 74 degrees Fahrenheit look. But I'm not enough around cats to distinguish.

  4. No, Karen, that's the "What? WHAT?? Wasn't me, I have an alibi, prove it was me... you 'aint got nuthin on me..." look...

  5. Arghhhhhhhh!!!!

    I'm sure that cat's eyes are following me around! Hope he brings up a big hair ball.

    Give him a fish or a mouse or something to eat (choke on!)

    Didn't really mean it - just joking :-)

  6. He/she is beautiful!
