Tuesday 30 June 2009

First Photos...

When I opened the box, I got a bit of a shock. The camera seemed so small compared with my memory of Fr. Tim's phone, and I was a little unsure whether I could operate the buttons easily as they were really tiny. I then found that the battery pack would take an hour and a half (at least) to charge. More waiting. However, this gave me time to read the instructions. I needn't have bothered: they were extremely unhelpful.

The next problem was in the small print: no memory card was included with the camera. And the camera wouldn't save any photos without a card - unlike my mobile phone, it didn't have any "device" memory.

It seems crazy that an item which needs a memory card in order to operate is supplied without the memory card in the pack. It is reminiscent of the way in which children's toys in the 1980s came without batteries, and unwary parents then had to endure temper tantrums from children on Christmas Day because there wasn't anywhere to get batteries.

The camera battery finally charged up, and I found a micro memory card from an old phone along with a micro adapter...

To my delight, I discovered that my computer has a special slot for the memory card, so I don't need to fuss about with software and cables. One less thing to worry about.

So, now, I want to take photos. Unfortunately, Sylvester didn't like the sound of the camera (this was prior to my discovery of the "mute" function) and he promptly disappeared through the catflap.

You are therefore spared the photos of Sylvester glaring at me.

Out of interest, I thought I would post a couple of photos for comparison... First, one of my statues snapped with my mobile phone camera:

And the second photo taken with my new super-snazzy digital camera...

The lighting conditions were obviously different - the first photo was taken in daylight. But I am impressed. I can't wait to test the camera out at the next Missa Cantata...

UPDATE: I took this one in daylight...


  1. Mac, the reason it doesn't come with a memory card is because it leaves the SIZE of the memory card up to the consumer. For instance, some one may already have a bunch of them, so why include a big*** memory card if it only adds to the price, when you were buying the camera. Makes sense. Your camera probably will store a few pics without the card though.

    Don't forget you still really shouldn't use your flash in church. :-D

    Also, if you don't already have one, I highly recommend buying a battery charger that can charge up rechargeable batteries in 15 minutes. I think I got mine for around 20-25 bucks. Well worth it.

    Have fun!

  2. Karen, I can't see why a small memory card couldn't be included - people could always buy a bigger one.

    And no, the camera won't store even one photo - I tried (before I found the card)

    The flash can be switched off!

  3. Check to see if your camera defaults to a lower resolution than it's capable of (2nd pic appears to be 2 megapixel.) But maybe you intended that to save space, or.. it's a 2 megapixel camera?

  4. The difference in your two photos is very obvious - I'm sure you're glad you 'took the plunge' and decided to buy the camera. I find I take my 'proper' camera everywhere with me now as well as my phone as the end results are so much better, especially indoors. Looking forward to seeing all your 'new and improved' photos in the future. Mind you, when I win the lottery, I've got my eye on a new phone with an 8mp camera! Must dash - got to go and buy a ticket!

  5. Superb detail Mac! Excellent new gadget by the looks of things - but PLEEEEASE spare us (well me at any rate) from tooo many shots of Sylvester! You know what I think of cats.

    Missa Cantata, Holy Statues, Lourdes pilgrimage, YES - but cats NO.


  6. Ooooh, Vincenzo... if anyone knows about photos and stuff it's you. Excellent.

    The second photo was cropped from a larger photo (I didn't see much point of looking at a bookshelf) and then it was run through Photoshop Elements 6 to save it for the web.

    I have no idea how many pixels it is - I've just been ticked off too many times by His Hermeneuticalness for putting up humungous-sized photos which slow down the page loading on my blog... however, the original (cropped) photo was 2.56MB and the saved-for-web photo is 224KB...

    The camera itself is 12.1 megapixels, and I've currently got it on the highest setting because I want to appreciate the detail I've paid for!!

    However, you are the acknowledged master of the photoshopped photo, so any information, hints, tips or instructions would be gratefully received.


  7. George, you're out of luck.

