Wednesday 25 March 2009

Press Complaints Commission...

Just like Leutgeb, I have received an acknowledgement of my complaint about the offensive cartoon of the Holy Father, along with a promise "to look into it."

I'm not going to hold my breath...

...but watch this space anyway!


  1. My local paper also ran an offensive cartoon (home-grown) and editorial. I too sent them a letter.

    Haven't heard a peep . . . but they did publish my letter (and a couple of other good rebuttals)in today's edition.

  2. You must be favoured, I didn't even get an acknowledgement. Although I got an email from Jon Snow when I complained about the bias against Joanna Bogle

  3. I too received acknowledgement of my complaint being 'looked in to'. Let's see what happens next...

  4. Good on you people! It's only when we start to fight back en masse, against this kind of 'smut and filth' gutter humour that is prevalent (almost endemic!) in today's media that they may begin to think twice before publishing such offensive garbage. The more that Catholics pick up their pens or phones and let these people know that their idea of 'humour' is unacceptable the better.

    Just to think what our muslim friends might do were it their Prophet that was ridiculed in this sordid and public way. Yikes, the mind boggles!!!!

    But then the media will only ever go for soft targets - they are such cowards!

    Jon Snow didn't answer my letter - you must have been nice to him Elizabeth. I promise I didn't swear or rave and rant at all!!!! Not even a teensy weensy bit.
