Sunday 30 November 2008

Book Meme...


I've been tagged by Karen.  I'm not complaining, not really.  Anyway, it's a book meme.

1.  Take the nearest book.
2.  Turn to page 56.
3.  Copy out the 5th sentence, and then the next 2-5 lines after that.
4.  Name the book (As Karen says, well, duh!)
5.  Inflict this on 5 other victims.

I'm sure I've done this before... in fact, I know I have, but as I have rearranged my books somewhat since then (ie. they're no longer in a pile on the armchair), I thought I'd have another go. And, anyway, it's a different page number.

However, the first two books nearest to me, namely my Collins Dictionary & Thesaurus and the Douay-Rheims Bible, were the same as before, and again unsuitable, for much the same reasons. Admittedly, page 56 of the Douay-Rheims Bible took me to Genesis rather than Leviticus, but I really am not in the mood to list all the sons of Israel (aka Jacob) who entered into Egypt.

The next book on the shelf (yes, I finally got those bookcases made up) will just have to do: and I am not a happy bunny, because the spelling of Ye Olde Englishe is a pain in the neck. The content is, however, rather better than a list of names from Genesis.

So, here goes:

Caxton clearly envisaged that lay people might also read the Doctrinal and produced two editions, one containing and one omitting material on the mishaps that can occur during the celebration of Mass, "by cause it is not conyenyent ne aparteynyng that every layman sholde knowe it".

And it continues...

There were a number of vernacular pastoral manuals printed at about this time, mostly translated from French originals and principally designed for confessors, catechists, and preachers, but also aimed at a literate lay audience, for example, the Ordynarye of Crysten Men (1502) and the Floure of the Commandements (1510).

So much for the idea that the laity in England knew little about the Faith prior to the "great" Reformation...

The book is, of course, The Stripping of the Altars by Eamon Duffy.  I started it ages ago, and never got around to finishing it (on account of its not being exactly handbag or pocket size) although it was fascinating enough for me to want to have another stab at it.  Soon.  Maybe over Christmas.

Ok, I don't want to tag the same people as before, even though it would have made life easier, so here goes:
2.  Jackie from Mother's Pride
5. Last, but not least, Phil.



  1. Thank you, Mac.

  2. :-D I won my bet with myself. I bet myself if I tagged Mac, she'd tag Phil, and ergo, that would get that done!

    [Interesting selection. But I think they were figuring if a layman could read, he was probably bright enough to handle the material about "well, what if there's this minor defect...." Looks like the "general public" is still blissfully unaware of the little things that might go wrong. But no worries as the Mass is pretty much silent to most of them and the priest isn't facing them and could as well sacrifice a goat! Not that he *would* mind you, but just sayin'.

  3. Very esoteric extracts. Utterly edifying!

  4. Karen, have you set me up?

  5. Phil-- of COURSE. Because if I tag certain peeps I know they will tag other people. For instance, if I tag Tara, I know she'll probably tag Fr. Erik and Digi and some others. I try to pick one blogger from each mental map grouping of the blogs I read.

  6. I've done this one before too, so I might tweak it a bit!
