Friday 28 November 2008

And Once Again...

We had an excellent talk at St. Mary's, Chislehurst this evening, given by Dr. Adrian Treloar, all about miracles at Lourdes, from a medical point of view.  I knew about the case of Jack Traynor, but there were some fabulous details which I hadn't heard before, like the Brancardiers running after Jack as he made a dash for the grotto to give thanks... and then backing off as they realised that, technically, he shouldn't have been able to walk, let alone out-run them!

More details can be found via the Faith & Family website (under publications) - the CTS have generously given permission for the pamphlet about Jack Traynor to be made available here, as it is out of print.

Adrian directed one or two comments at the youngsters sitting by his feet as he delivered his talk, and I was delighted to discover that I'm not the only one beset by misunderstandings...

"What did Jesus do, children, as he went around Palestine?" was followed by a triumphant exclamation: "He cured the leopards!"


  1. You may find this difficult to beieve, but the Father of This Lot spent years of his summer holidays as a brancardier.

    Mac, please pick yourself up off the floor. You'll scare that cat again.

    Apparently, he was very good at it and much in demand. Although I've only ever heard that from him....

  2. Tag! [Don't say it! But you can think it! 'sokay, it's the kind of meme you like.
