Monday 20 October 2008


Oooooohhhh.  I am desperate to update my blogrolls.  Lots of new sites to add, and, sadly, some dead links to remove...

Unfortunately, Blogrolling seems to be suffering some sort of conniption.  I have the blogroll on the blog, but cannot update it... and no indication of when it will be back up and running...  I am loathe to go back and put all my links into Blogger by hand, but if things haven't been sorted by half term, I might have to do just that!


In the meantime, check out this blog from Vancouver: Fr. Anthony Ho, originally from Hong Kong, is the assistant priest at St. Patrick's, Vancouver.  I discovered his blog when he contacted me on Facebook.  Fr. Anthony has some interesting catechetical material on his blog, as well as recordings of his talks and sermons.  Pop on over and say hallo...


  1. Mac:

    Sorry off topic. Just to say there ls a message for you on 'Thoughts from an Oasis...'
    In a hurry because know you must be up for school tomorrow and I must post my impressions of an extaordinary week before staggering to the 'chaste couch'.


  2. Don't touch that dial!

    In the words of Elvis, "I'm not dead baby, I'm just havin' a break."

  3. After popping by since forever...I've finally blogrolled you! (I'm a bit slow...)


  4. Fr. John did write an update to his parish blog on a Fatima pilgrimage.
