Wednesday 22 October 2008

Counting Minutes...

I love my job.  I especially love my job when, at an otherwise unproductive after-school staff meeting, another teacher tells me that one of her tutor group had expressed how much he was enjoying my Science lessons... and Year 8 don't do sarcasm, so it must have been a genuine compliment...

Even though I love my job, I'm still counting down the minutes until the half term holiday... (2770 at the moment...)

1 comment:

  1. Mac:

    To misquote the Bard:

    'Oh how sweeter than the honey-comb it is,
    To have a thankful child.'

    Occasions of job satisfaction in our profession are rare rare, but boy, when they happen, don't they just make up for everything a thousand-fold.

    Year 8 and sarcasm? Clearly you know who is teaching them English and therefore are confident that they have not yet managed that particular leap of the imagination.

    My latest post on Oasis about the British Humanist Society's atheistic bus campain (ref. Fr Blake) would amuse you I think, partic. since BXVI alredy demolished them on page 21 of 'Spirit of the Liturgy'. Full quote on the Oasis. It's delicious.

    God bless,
