Tuesday 9 September 2008

The Things They Say...

Blogging may well be rather sporadic over the next week: I am getting to grips with a new timetable, new classes and a new subject specification (all the AS Level courses changed: I mean, you wouldn't want teachers to have too easy a time of it, would you?)

Still, I can't quite bring myself to stop blogging completely, and so I thought I'd share the odd quote from the chalkface... yes, I know we don't use chalk any more...

From a lesson on the states of matter, after explaining that steam (or water vapour) was the gaseous state of water, and ice was the solid state...

"Miss, what's the liquid state of water called?"


  1. Were you able to keep a straight face.

    Still can't be as bad as college freshman lit. when we were doing "The Scarlet Letter." "What's carnal knowledge?" The prof. was floored. The rest of us were stunned and choked back laughter. The student wished she'd "looked it up" at home, and probably never asked another question in 4 years.

  2. Anonymous9:41 am

    My other half teaches science so I shall share that with him later - too funny!!!

    Great blog btw. Thank you for sharing.

    Every blessing.

    Sharon xx

  3. Anonymous9:52 am

    I once asked my History teacher why Elizabeth I was called the "Virgin Queen". Then I asked him what a virgin was. It was a dare from the boys my friend-group was collectively flirting with at the time.

    Once I also asked my English teacher (We'd been doing Romeo and Juliet) what "to consummate" meant. In that instance there was actually partial ignorance on my part - as in, I had a notion but wasn't sure.

    But history lessons were fun >:D

  4. I've been fending off "Miss, are we all going to die?" questions today. It ain't easy being a physicist!

    My favourite quote has to be when asking yr 7s to do a scale drawing of their bedroom, a rather prim young person sticks their hand up and says "dose that include the en suite?" The looks on the faces of the rest of the class were priceless.

    Have a good year.

  5. Anonymous6:49 pm

    So....are you going to tell us or keep us in suspense?

    (Sorry...but I've just got to go anonymous on this one)

  6. Anonymous, stop being so disruptive. Get on with your work, or you'll be in detention after school...

  7. Anonymous10:58 pm

    Sorry miss :-)
