Wednesday 10 September 2008

The Things They Say (2)...

Another little pipsqueak thought he was being funny this morning...

"Miss, Miss, you can't give us homework... the world's going to end today..."

"Don't worry, I promise you that if the world does come to an end today, you won't have to hand the homework in tomorrow..."


  1. Mac! you're too good for them!!!

    "Of course I'm giving you homework for the weekend. It's a job perk!"

  2. It's been quite useful for my classes, discussions branching off into appraising evidence, proof, belief (irresponsible) media, big bang, creationism, evolution, nature of time etc etc.

    I won't miss the continual announcement of

    "We're all going to die!"

    or the same take on homework you have been getting!
