Friday 29 August 2008

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa...

... Oh dear, what have I done? I may have led other traddy womyn astray! I wonder if that's an excommunicable offence?

Ekurlowa must be seriously traddy... she not only understands Latin, she can blog in Latin too!

She wants to join me as a traddy womynpriest. To that end, she suggests sending the following petition to the Bishops. It's in Latin verse, so we shall have to enlist the services of Fr. Z to find out what it means...

Feminarum personant saepius clamores:
sumusne servitio sancto digniores?
Quaesumus te, optime antistite domne
te petentes feminas ordinare omnes.

You can read the rest of it HERE.


  1. oneyHay, I'mway alreadyway away ombiezay ishopbay onway acebookfay ... I'mway oinggay orfay ombiezay ogulmay.

    Quare tristis incendo, dixit affligit me inimicus? I doan geddit.

  2. Gem - somewhere in there you forgot to add an 'oy vey'!

    Mac - what are you on? I know the school term starts next week - perhaps it's the pills messing with the little grey cells.

  3. Anonymous3:06 pm

    Zombie bishop?

  4. Anonymous8:12 pm

    You might mention to her that she still has an error in the Latin in the last line: ignorants should be ignorans.


  5. Anonymous4:54 am

    Thank you, father. It was lapsus calami - I tried "ignorantem" to edit in "ignorans".
    And I would newer write "ignorants", because there is no word "ignorant" in my language.
