Tuesday 22 July 2008

Oh Dear...

After all the excitement that Archbishop Kelly was planning to create a parish dedicated to the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of Mass, it would appear that the rejoicing was somewhat premature...

The scheme has, apparently, been scrapped. No real explanation. Damian Thompson has a few more details...

One wonders what the point of the original announcement was... and who benefits from such a public u-turn?


  1. Most odd it certainly is, indeed.

  2. Is this the one in Liverpool?

    I was told that the hype was not all that accurate. It was not a parish, but a weekly Mass. The priest would be expected to live and serve at the cathedral every other day of the week and the church designated was in one of the most frightening areas of Liverpool, a place where all the other shops and houses near by were boarded up, syringes, condoms littering the place...just where you want to bring the kids every week. Yah.
