Monday 22 October 2007

Ma's Music Meme

Ok, Ma Beck tagged anyone who has prayed the Rosary in the past week... which means I'm "it"... especially as I'm short on profound thoughts (hence the ham bush!)

What song is in your head?

Requiem for Evita - the opening (and closing) refrains from Evita - the original cast recording with Elaine Paige and David Essex, I hasten to add, not the rather poor imitation mangled by Madonna. The opening lines (after "Requiem aeternum") are actually the words to the Salve Regina. Quite catchy!

What is the newest album in your collection?

"Newest" as in "most recently acquired" or "newest" as in most recently published? Because if it's the former, then Annie Lennox's Diva (I had the album on cassette for years, but finally got round to getting the CD last month); most recently published, Schola Cantamus Plainsong for Parishes.

What is the top album on your wish list?

Don't have one. I'm more of an impulse music buyer... and a very infrequent one at that.

What is the most recent live music event you have attended?

Hmmmn. Does a Christmas carol concert count? Actually, I did attend a parish music evening back in August where some young people played various instruments and sang. They were pretty good, so I guess that counts as "live music."

What is the top live music event on your wish list?

Again, I don't really have a live music wish list... though it would be great to hear Leutgeb play her new viola...

What are the top three albums currently in rotation at your house?

The music from Evita (original cast recording as explained earlier), Abba's Voulez Vous and Annie Lennox's Diva.

Ok, I'm going to tag Mark (because he's suffering winter blues and needs distracting), Fr. Justin (because he's been awfully quiet of late), Fr. Paul (so that he doesn't feel lonely now he's back in the Lune Valley) and Leutgeb (as she's a musician, her answers should be worth reading.)


  1. I really love Evita, but since the Madonna version was the first I ever heard, I guess I got stuck on that one and I am embarrassed to say it's my favorite one.
    (The only other one I've heard is Patty Lupone and I reeaaaally don't like her - but I LOVE Elaine Page. I should check that out.)

    Annie Lennox was apparently in concert here a couple of nights ago because the review was in the paper yesterday. Had I known, I would have really tried to get tickets.
    The review made me very sorry I missed the concert.
    She's got such a beautiful voice.

    P.S. Mac, have you ever heard of "Forbidden Broadway", the show that mercilessly spoofs whatever's on Broadway and then some?
    The "Evita/Madonna" thing is hilarious. (As is the rest of FB.)
    And it's all done by two Broadway actors, two Broadway actresses, and one piano player. Their voices are amazing, their costumes are hysterical - if you ever get the chance, I know they tour around, but the CDs are great, too.
    For a sample of their current show, go to

  2. You prefer Elaine Page to Julie Covington?! JC was the original Evita, long (well, a bit) before the musical went on stage.

  3. um done in a geeky kinda way.

  4. Ttony - have a heart... I never heard of Julie Covington... and didn't know the musical before it went on stage!
