Wednesday 17 October 2007

Idle Speculations...

It would appear that a few fellow bloggers have weighed in on the Westminster Sweepstakes with the consideration of Fr. Ray Blake for the top job!

Fr. Ray, true to form, has thrown down the gauntlet by publishing his very own "to-do" list if such a miracle ever came to pass. Of course, the list is such a good one that he has totally scuppered any chances he may or may not have had...

Several friends of mine have muttered for years that Fr. Tim Finigan (of Hermeneutic fame) would make an excellent Bishop... IMHO, for what it's worth, this is another case of flying pigs... I think that Fr. Tim would be far too frightening a prospect for the current Bishops' Conference to countenance such a move. And I suspect that, after reading his list, their Lordships will immediately put Fr. Ray into the same category...

As for the proposal to put me in charge of RE teaching in schools, I demand to know what I have done to deserve such a poisoned chalice... I thought Fr. Ray liked me...

UPDATE: Through some careless mistake, Fr. Ray forgot to appoint Karen H. as his Campaign and Publicity Co-ordinator. Luckily Karen accepted the job anyway. Check out her excellent campaign material HERE.


  1. Mac,
    I am thinking of your Salvation, remember: whatever good you do whatever evil you suffer ...
    i thiknk you might suffer a lot doing that job but ...

    Why not so the MEME, If I were the Card Archbishop, I would....

  2. Ahhhh... but I will never be Cardinal Archbishop, because, as a woman, I can never be a priest. So I am exempt from this meme!

  3. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Uh-oh! That meme is awfully tempting -- it reminds me of my grandfather's "When I am King of the World..."

    Interestingly, I read in The Herald that they were considering also Abbot Hugh Gilbert of Pluscarden. Considering I've met him, I thought it was quite cool.

  4. You're a scientist, so you must know that with Evolution, and all that, pigs will one day fly... ergo, Fr Ray will one day be archbishop. Yeah!

    Simple, when you think scientifically, ain't it!

  5. OK Mac; the question is amended to: If the newly-appointed Archbishop of Westminster telephoned you and asked your advice, what would you say to him?

  6. Mac, details! You know, if they ever go back to the time where a cardinal didn't have to be ordained..... [I like the spiffy red gear myself....]

  7. You can be a power behind the throne, a trusted adviser, so you can do it.
    I will make you in charge of "Wimmin's Issues" if you don't behave.

  8. Anonymous4:04 pm

    He looks totally hissed!

  9. Yes I believe Fr. Tim Finigan, Fr. John Boyle and Fr. Ray have got themselves blacklisted as the "dangerous lot" by the Bishop's conference. All those celebrations in the usus antiquor can't have helped in their priestly career ladders...

    ... not unless the Pope reads blog, then we may just well have 3 monsignors from England!

  10. Fr Ray, women behind the throne have been the PROBLEM !!

    Admittedly thay haven't been traddy women.

    I shall answer your question for my Half Term homework project!
