Tuesday 10 April 2007

Fr. Jay Has An Evil Streak...

...and a wicked sense of humour to boot ! He put this up on his blog with the caption:

"So Easter is about the bunny, eh? Let's wait three days and see if lil' Thumper here resurrects..."

Twitch of the mantilla in the direction of Histor the Wise


  1. That reminds me. . .

    . . . a man his driving along a quiet country road one day, and he has his parish priest in the passenger seat. Suddenly there is a bump, the car jolts, and he drives for about fifty yards before deciding to stop and see what caused it.

    They both get out of the car, walk the fifty yards back down the road, and they see that the car has run over the Easter Bunny; he is lying dead, with the basket and eggs strewn around the road.

    The priest goes back to the car, gets his bag, and comes back to the bunny; he then kneels down, and opens his bag, and takes out a bottle of liquid. He makes the Sign of the Cross and starts reciting some Latin prayers, and then pulls the cap off the bottle, and sprinkles some of the liquid over the Easter Bunny.

    And then . . a twitch of the ears, and the bunny's eyes open! He is alive! He springs up on his feet; the priest and the man pick up the eggs and put them back in his basket and place the basket on the road; and the Easter Bunny takes the basket and heads off on his rounds, praising the mercy of God!

    The man, still shocked, turns to the priest and says: "Why, Father, that bottle. It must be Holy Water from Lourdes".

    "No", replies the priest. "It's a bottle of . . .

    "of . . ."

    (scroll down)

    (wait for the punch line)

    "of . . ."

    "hare restorer".

  2. *groan*

    Where did you resurrect that one from?

  3. This one is just a decoy!!!

  4. Yes - the historical Easter Bunny was probably eaten by wild dogs...

