Monday 9 April 2007


After the incredibly uplifting and emotionally demanding Triduum, Easter Monday can seem a little flat. Not for me... dint of some careful planning, I got to go to an awesome Classical Rite Latin Mass, followed by lunch at one of my (many) favourite restaurants (oooh, I've missed my steak so much... well, I have to offset my carbon footprint somehow, and since I drive everywhere, that's an awful lot of cow to munch through!!) and this evening I intend to leave the car at home while I go to the parish club. It's karaoke night, and I do like to sing...

...Cover those ears, folks! Mulier Fortis has the microphone...


  1. Have fun, Mac! I am sure that you you have enjoyed some chocolate by now?

    A (regular) confidence trickster rang the bell and hammered rather loudly on the door, waking me abruptly from my afternoon slumber. I opened the upstairs window shouted "Happy Easter" and threw a small chocolate egg down at him - it landed on his head! Made my day....he picked it up, looked up and walked off.

  2. Confidence trickster is a potential convert....big time. Just get him inside, a glass of the old Tawny and milk of human kindness and the next thing you know he'll be receiving Jesus kneeling and on the tongue.

  3. Anonymous8:34 pm

    She sings too!

  4. Hey - anyone who goes to a karaoke establishment knows (or should know) what they're getting into.

    The people who sit around me at Mass, on the other hand, are the unfortunate unsuspecting sheep to the slaughter. That's one of the many reasons I try to sit as far front as possible...Father John is the one who tells us we should sing loudly and joyfully even if we can't sing well. It's only fair he should get the brunt of my efforts. ;-)

  5. Kasia, keep singing. To sing is to pray twice, according to St Augustine. If God doesn't like your voice, then it's for him to do something about it...

  6. Confidence Trickster is a "good Catholic", he tells me! Why he should travel for 30-odd miles, passing through at least eight other parishes, to tell ME his hard luck story suggests to me only one thing: he thinks I am a mug.
    Last time he came I offered to take him to the railway station and buy his (one way)ticket to get to mother number 4's funeral. "No thanks, I'll walk" was the reply...

  7. Anonymous9:15 am

    i believe a bucket of water is used over here!
    So can i sing then Mac if i've a terrible voice?
