Wednesday 30 March 2016

Hunting Skills...

This afternoon I was having a quiet read (what else are holidays for?) when the catflap clattered. I didn't look up - it's a noisy flap and the cats are in and out several times a day. I then heard Monsignor Miaowrini practising her pounce-and-roll technique in the front room. I still didn't look up - she had been rolling around there all morning...

Then I heard the peculiar kitty-scrabble-sound a cat makes when it is holding on to something with its front paws and kicking ecstatically at it with the back ones. This made me look up...

There, in the hall, was an impressive collection of feathers...

I followed the trail to the front room to find Miaowrini clutching a small bird, rolling over and over with it in her paws... a sort of kitty-crocodile-death-roll. I retrieved the still-warm bird, which had died of fright, I think, as there were no obvious injuries, and cleared away the feathers.

Naturally, my first instinct was to update the Kitty Kill Count. After all, hunting trophies have been scarce since we moved to Margate. I blame the seagulls...


  1. No seagulls caught yet then?

  2. My tame bird expert suggests it might be a reed bunting.
