Monday 30 June 2014

Help Desperately Needed...

The Good Counsel Network has posted an impassioned plea via Facebook. It seems that the organisation is so short of funds that they have been unable to give out food vouchers to some of the mothers they help, and they have been unable to pay their staff.

The Good Counsel Network is doing vital pro-life work, giving advice and, above all, practical help to mothers who might otherwise have an abortion. They don't receive any government assistance at all. Things are tight for everyone, but the Summer is apparently a really low point donations-wise at the best of times, and clearly they are up against the wire.

If you can, please consider going to their donations page - there are lots of options on how to get the money to them. And if you can't, then please pray for them to receive the support they need in order to be able to continue supporting mothers and their children.


  1. Anonymous11:02 pm

    Many, many thanks for your support. And for any of your readers who have responded to our appeal. God bless from all at Good Counsel

  2. Is the blog finished, nothing since Good Counsel appeal page.

  3. No. Just nothing much to say right now (charitably) and not much time free

  4. I am glad for the update. I had feared you had taken ill.

  5. Dear MF, Thoughts and prayers with you all.

  6. Praying for my online friends and their travails in getting proper Mass in the Extraordinary Form!
