Wednesday 22 January 2014

More About Miaowrini...

I realise that you are all probably fed to the back teeth with constant cat reports, but I'm pretty preoccupied with what is happening to Miaowrini, so it's either the cat report or nothing. And several people want to know what is happening, so...

I brought Miaowrini to the vet before work on Monday morning. The idea was that the vet would give her an anaesthetic and x-ray the leg, and then decide whether to strap the leg up or just give enforced cage-rest. It proved to be a stressful day. At break time I got a call from one of the nurses saying that the blood tests were fine and the anaesthetic and x-rays would be going ahead after the morning clinic was finished. At lunchtime I got a call from the vet himself, and his first words were "Don't panic, she's still under anaesthetic and doing well, but..."

The x-rays were not good. Not only was the cartilage at the top of the tibia completely trashed, but so were the ligaments - all of them. The vet told me that he had never seen anything that bad in over 30 years of veterinary practice. He then explained that he'd got out his textbooks to see what the best treatment was - and the textbooks merely confirmed that this sort of damage was a very rare occurrence, and that no-one had agreed on the best way to tackle it, because it was so rarely seen.

The vet then gave me the option of going to see an orthopaedic specialist - which would involve a very long drive, a new assessment appointment later in the week, another anaesthetic for the cat, huge fees (around £3000) up front and no guarantee that it would work. The alternative was that he just give it his best shot then and there.

I opted for the latter - it had the advantage of immediacy, and I don't have £3000 to spend on something which might not work... I then had a whole afternoon of waiting to see how the operation panned out.

At the end of the day I got a call from one of the nurses reporting that the operation was over, and the vet was very pleased with how it had gone. Miaowrini was drugged up to the eyeballs, but was doing well, and had even had a little food - this made me smile: Miaowrini doesn't miss a meal if she can help it. She would be kept in overnight because of the major anaesthetic and the need for heavy pain relief, and would be reassessed in the morning, and if all was well she could probably come home in the late afternoon on Tuesday.

On arrival at the vet, I was told that the total cost was about £1300 (not counting the first two examinations)... only the knowledge that it would be collected directly from the insurance company prevented me fainting, I think. I was given several syringes filled with painkillers (to be administered orally), and instructions on keeping Miaowrini in a cage to prevent her trying to jump up and wrenching the ligaments out of position.

Tonight, Miaowrini made a bid for freedom when I took her out of the cage to allow her access to the litter tray. It was rather heart-rending to see that she couldn't manage the jump up onto the low windowsill. I promptly grabbed her and stuffed her back in the cage - stuffed is the correct term. A cat that doesn't want to go into a cage seems to have more limbs than any normal cat. As you can see from the photo, the cage (on loan from Annie Elizabeth, bless her!) is too small for long-term confinement, and I have to try and find a larger one so that Miaowrini can have her litter tray within easy access, as well as a bit of space in which to walk a bit. That's my next project.

In the meantime, another dose of her painkillers (two sorts) has left her sleepy and relatively comfortable. I prayed my office with one arm in the cage, scratching her ears and feeling Miaowrini purr... hopefully she'll get some sleep.


  1. Poor Monsignora, if that is a word. Praying for a good outcome for her.

  2. Delighted to hear the very good
    progress report, Mac.

    One's own Feline, "Four-Legged-Furry-Thing"
    is pleased with the news and sends
    "Purrfectly Good Wishes".

    Well done the Vet, the Insurance Company, you,
    Miaowrini, and the Good Lord.

    in Domino

  3. Oh, poor Miaowrini!

    Best wishes from across the Pond for her recovery. Do please keep us posted.

  4. Poor plucky little Miaowrini, who had such a traumatic experience in kittenhood. Love will pull her through.

  5. Awwwwwwww ----- poor little Miaowrini.

  6. Happy to here of the good progress. Cats are amazing at recuperating.

  7. best wishes for your kitty, and prayers!

  8. May she come through this trouble and soon be back to her full health again.

    But it must be kind of worrying all the same. Granted that you said she's never been the most agile of cats, but any ideas as to how it might have happened i.e. a jump gone very badly wrong indeed?

  9. Not sure, jaykay - it could have been a fall, which the vet said would be from a very great height, but it's hard to see how that would affect only one hind knee. It's more likely that she got hit by a car or a bike. I'm just so grateful that she made it home...

  10. I hope and pray she will be better soon! I greatly enjoy posts about both the kitties!

  11. Wow, I can't believe poor Miaowrini was so badly injured. How trying for you, too, to watch her suffer, to care for her, to shuttle her to and from the vet three times - and to hear the bill. (This has made me consider cat insurance, at least for my 2-year-old male. In 23 years of cat ownership I've never insured any of my cats - and I cared for two into their later years [15 and 17] - so I now how expensive it can be.)

    Prayers and purrs from everyone (depending on species) across the pond at Catcliffe.

  12. How is Miaowrini adjusting to the collar and how long will she have to wear it?

    When my cat had surgery several years ago he looked so pitiful in the collar and he was afraid of it so I bought a newborn baby outfit and put it on him backwards, so it snapped up the back. It worked perfectly and he was able to use the letterbox with no trouble. More importantly, he was comfortable and it prevented him from interfering pulling out his stitches.

    My vet was impressed and now recommends the baby outfit for all of her post-op patients.

  13. Sounds that you are blessed with a good vet. Hope all goes well.

  14. @ Southern Catholic:

    But was he in the habit of using the letterbox before, and does one dare ask for what purpose? ;)

    Mac, more scritches to the Monsignori (Monsignorae?) from Texas, as well as courteous recovery wishes from my own black-and-white furball. Do keep us updated when you can!

  15. Mac, how is the progress of the dear thing?

  16. I'm fine, thanks Gem.
