Saturday 21 December 2013

If You Can't Win Using Theology...

The Anglican Divines failed to win a theological debate against Edmund Campion despite his having been racked beforehand. Four centuries on, and Canterbury has recognised the futility of continuing to use theological arguments. Instead, they have challenged Rome to a cricket match.

The Vatican now has an official cricket club, comprised of priests and seminarians from the Vatican and the Roman colleges. The match between St. Peter's Cricket Club and the Church of England's team will probably happen in September, possibly at Lords.

Australia and England fight to win the charred remains of a cricket bail. I wonder what trophy Rome and Canterbury will contest... ?

Needless to say, I would be extremely keen to go and watch this one!


  1. I think this calls for an outing.

  2. I deleted Celia's comment by mistake... (big fingers, small not-so-smart-phone!) but here is what she said...

    Should make for interesting sledging (for the uninitiated, this is Australian for distracting your opponents by raucous and usually obscene banter. Nothing to do with reindeer).
    How will the C of E's No3 batsman deal with the Vatican's man at silly point yelling'self-absorbed promethean neo-pelagian' just as he's settling at the wicket?

  3. Will the game be played under Novus Ordo rules (limited overs, single innings) or Vetius Ordo - i.e. the traditional 2 innings game played over 3 days?
